
The Grind

If you really want to play with fire, take up smoking

We’ve covered the resurgence in interest in barbecuing and the rise of competition barbecue in a few of our previous articles. We took some time out recently to speak with Tony Gimellaro, captain of the Beard & The BBQ competitive BBQ team

The man who invented Christmas

With Halloween now over for another year, the path is clear all the way to Christmas and the race is on for the next seven weeks and four days

The challenges of gift buying

Did you know… the word ‘gift’ comes from the Old Norse word ‘gipt’, which became in Middle English the word ‘gidt’ meaning ‘to give’.

What is the sharpest blade on the planet II

Way back in 2014 we wrote a short article called ‘What is the sharpest blade on the planet’ and this is the sequel. To save you having to go back and read the original article – the answer is a knife made out of obsidian, as any kid who plays…

Mung beans are the future

A very small (and very unofficial) delegation from Total Knife Care found itself at the recent Regional Flavours Food & Wine Festival in Brisbane the other weekend…

The butcher’s shop through history

The human race has been eating meat for a long time, in fact scientists and underwater archaeologists at the University of Miami found some animal remains at the bottom of a sinkhole in Florida which showed evidence of having been butchered roughly 12,000 years ago…

Food intolerances, IKEA and robots that can cook

Next time you’re out at a restaurant, spare a thought for the chef, who now has to accommodate all the whims of an incredibly demanding clientele…

The gourmet trail starts (or ends) here

The city of Wangaratta is located in north-eastern Victoria not far away from the NSW border, and about 250 km away from Melbourne. It is in the heart of gourmet food and wine country, with King Valley and Milawa – the home of Brown Brothers wines – close by.

If you want to hunt camels, Australia is the place

As the weather (we hope) starts to cool down a bit, it’s time for avid hunters shooters and fishers to get out their gear, give it a quick check over, and head out into the wild…

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