
The Grind

What do airline passengers, astronauts and mountaineers have in common?

They all have to eat tasteless food. Have you ever wondered why food tastes pretty bland when you're 36,000 feet up (10,973m) in the air? It turns out there are a host of factors preventing you from having a tasty meal when you're not eating at or near sea level,…

Ever tried wombat cheese, kangaroo milk or Vegemite ice cream?

Neither have we, but over the years various food manufacturers have tried to convince us that they were going to launch these new products …always in early April. 1st April to be precise. April Fools Day has been a perfect opportunity for people – and brands – to have a…

Valentine’s Day

It’s coming up you know. Which got us thinking – how did Valentine’s Day even become a thing? It turns out that there’s no definitive answer to this question – much like the origins of Halloween (which we looked into here). There’s even some doubt as to which Valentine is…

What were Australians eating on Christmas Day a hundred years ago?

In 1923 George V was on the throne in Britain, Billy Hughes and then Stanley Bruce were both Prime Minister and construction began on the Sydney Harbour Bridge and on the original Parliament House (then called the 'Provisional Parliament House' and now 'Old Parliament House') in Canberra. 1923 also saw…

Thinking of opening a restaurant?

Catching the news today that Gordon Ramsay has filmed a new series of Kitchen Nightmares after a decade long break made us think 'what makes people want to open a restaurant?'. After all, in the first series he unearthed a veritable smorgasbord of major problems in the restaurants and cafes…

Do you need a grapefruit knife?

So far we've covered a range of common types of knives defined by what they cut, for example the bread knife, the cheese knife and the butter knife, but now we're into the realms of more esoteric knives that are out there, but probably not in everyone's kitchen drawer (don't…

Over three million years of knife sharpening – a (very) short history

Knife sharpening has been around as long as knives have been around and – depending on your definition of what a knife is – knives and things to sharpen them have been around for more than 3 million years, or at least these are the oldest artefacts discovered by archaeologists…

Cooking made easier?

Imagine you've just got home after a long day at work – you're on your own and you need something to eat. You say what you'd like to eat - to the room - and 45 minutes later you're eating it. No, you don't have servants and you're not staying…

Food trends 2023 edition

A blink of an eye ago - just over a year ago - we embarked on a review of all the food trends we thought were worthy of mention for the forthcoming year. So now, as we research the same topic again for this year, we have a very strong…

Christmas Pudding …is it good for you?

Now that we're into December there's no avoiding it – Christmas is just around the corner. And on that basis, namely that we have an excuse to talk about all things Christmas that we just can't get away with at other times of the year, we're going to take full…

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