
The Grind

Essential knife skills

In truth most people don't really think about knife 'skills' – instead it's assumed to be pretty straightforward. To quote Jeremy Clarkson of Top Gear fame, 'how hard can it be?'. But if you want to get really good in the kitchen or if you want to pursue a career…

Kitchen items you should bring back from your holiday (except one)

Remember when we used to travel around the world, pick up interesting kitchen items thinking we were going to use them all the time at home – and then never did? It's a bit like alcoholic drinks popular in some countries which haven't really 'travelled' well to Australia. The one…

14 ways to test how sharp your knife is

Quite a while back now we wrote a short article about how to check if your chef's knife needs sharpening. In that article we quoted a three part test suggested by Alan McKee in his guidebook 'Sharpening'. Of course if you scour the interwebs you'll find quite a few ways…

Dining out …what changes to expect in 2022

One of the things that has been a little difficult around Australia (and the world of course) for a little while now is that old fashioned notion of going out to eat. That less old fashioned notion of getting takeaway is doing just fine thank you! As things get a…

Food trends in 2022

“Plus ça change plus c'est la même chose”, as the French say. Literally this means that no matter how much things change, they still stay the same. And we could say the same to about half the things that various pundits are predicting will be the new food trends of…

Everything you ever wanted to know about butter but were too scared to ask

Well, probably not quite everything. Given that we have already covered bread and cheese, we thought it might be time to cover what often comes between the bread and the cheese. And although many people are happy to slap a bit of cheese straight on to a hunk of bread,…

Bread – a brief history

In case you hadn't noticed, all of the topics covered here on The Grind are in some way related – admittedly in many cases distantly - to either knives or knife sharpeners, or both. Funny that! Anyway a while back we put together a short article on cheese, and the…

There are more days in October than there are days in October

Today is International Coffee Day. Not sure that an international day to celebrate coffee is required, given that 85% of the global population is already consuming at least one cup a day*. Today is also World Vegetarian Day, World Smile Day and the International Day of Older Persons. It's pretty…

Reduce, re-use, recycle

You need to get them young, and Bob The Builder certainly did with his environmentally-focused catchphrase “reduce, re-use, recycle” twenty odd years ago. We're pretty sure that this was the origin of this particular saying, although now you're as likely to hear an adult trot it out as much as…

2021 Kitchen Gadget Update – 12 interesting ‘gadgets’

The Grind has covered the topic of kitchen gadgets several times before, ranging from the 'useless' to the 'essential'. But as every year passes, new kitchen gadgets appear, with some disappearing almost instantly, some becoming the kitchen equivalent of a one-hit-wonder and others becoming permanent fixtures in kitchens around the…

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