
The Grind

Lee’s unusual career change

After working for twenty-four years as a flight attendant for a major Australian airline, Lee Smith made what might be seen as an unusual second career choice – she retrained as a butcher.

Our top ten electric labour saving devices of all time (including of course the electric knife sharpener!)

The discovery of electricity has made our modern lives very easy compared to our predecessors. It’s probably singlehandedly responsible for the current obesity epidemic – we don’t have to do any hard work any more.

Five food and cooking trends in 2014 (and two predictions for 2015)

With only a day to go until we have to wave goodbye to the year that was 2014, now might be a good time to review a few of the trends in cooking and in the kitchen over the past year.

Five cooking/kitchen gift ideas you might not have thought of (that are not kitchen knives or electric knife sharpeners)

We are probably offering this advice a little late for Christmas, but we’ve been trawling the web looking for inspiration for Christmas gifts ourselves and thought we would share some of the more unusual kitchen and cooking related items we found out there.

In a world before electric knife sharpeners…

No, not the trailer of a new Hollywood blockbuster, just some ruminations on what you had to do to get your knives sharp before the invention of electric knife sharpeners like the Nirey range we stock.

Will the electric knife sharpener hold its own in the kitchen of the future?

Every now and then, manufacturers, designers and futurists let their hair down and come up with out-of-the-box ideas for new designs and new technology.

The history of the electric knife sharpener

A quick check on the internet confirms that it’s pretty unlikely anyone will be writing a multi-volume history of the electric knife sharpener anytime soon. There is an absolute dearth of information on the topic, but what is out there is very interesting.

Useless kitchen gadgets (unlike your trusty electric knife sharpener!)

The Japanese have a word that is a little hard to translate directly into English – chindogu. Chindogu is the ‘art of inventing ingenious everyday gadgets… no utility whatsoever’.

Where can you find a Kukri when you need one?

Unless you are a knife expert or military historian, you may not have come across the Kukri knife.

The biggest range of kitchen knives on the Gold Coast

Chris and Judy Petersen own and run the King of Knives outlet in Robina on the Gold Coast.

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