What’s going on in (and around) the world of knives

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In an idle ten minutes (know we shouldn’t admit to this really) we decided to have a look at the articles that we’ve put up on The Grind blog on the site and see which ones were clicked on the most from our monthly update, Stay Sharp, in 2015.

Makes for some interesting reading. So, without further ado, let’s announce the winners…

In 2015 the top 5 most clicked on articles were…

  1. The meaning of sharp – how to check if your chefs knife needs sharpening
  2. The four essential knife types for your professional or home kitchen
  3. Taking care of your chefs knives using a whetstone
  4. Guns, ammo, and electric knife sharpeners!
  5. Japanese style chefs knives gaining popularity in the Top End

And from 2014 the following three articles also get an honourable mention for popularity…

  1. Useless kitchen gadgets (unlike your trusty electric knife sharpener!)
  2. The truth about the truth about knife sharpeners…
  3. How to slice an onion (strictly speaking a video – clearly a lot of people don’t know how to slice an onion!)

If you haven’t read any of these articles or watched the video, the good news is you still can – they’re still all up on The Grind (just click on the links above to read them).

In other news…

Washing your knives

The Good Food guide has put up an article which suggests that we may all have been cleaning kitchen items the wrong way. In particular their advice on cleaning knives is that you should rinse first with cold water to remove food particles and then wash using bathroom soap and hot water. The dishwasher isn’t a great idea apparently as dishwashing liquid reacts with proteins (which may be on the knives from the food), it doesn’t dissolve them. Also when cutting acidic food like citrus fruit or onions, wash the blade frequently, otherwise it will dull.

Read the full article here…


You only need three things in your kitchen

According to Edmund Perez, the ‘Grill Sergeant’ for the US Army, soldiers leaving the army after having been fed in the mess sometimes their entire working lives, may find the idea of cooking for themselves daunting. To avoid a thrice daily trip to the local McDonalds, Perez makes things simple and suggests three essential items for the home cook…

1) A chef’s knife (phew!)
2) A saute pan
3) Chef’s tongs

That’s it – he says that a lot of meals can be both prepared and cooked with these three items – chop everything up with the knife, cook these items in order in the pan, then combine them all back in the pan for the final dish. The tongs you need to turn any food you’re grilling.

This advice may be useful also to the following…

  • *home leavers
  • *students
  • *recently separated or divorced males

Read the full article here…


Messy kitchen = oversnacking

In a recent report in the Journal of Environment and Behaviour you may have missed, researchers have discovered that a messy kitchen may result in you snacking more than in a tidy kitchen.

This came from a study where 98 participants, all female, where separated into two groups, with one group asked to wait in a ‘cluttered’ kitchen, and the other group asked to wait in a tidy kitchen. In both kitchens various snacks were on offer. The researchers found that participants asked to wait in the ‘cluttered’ kitchen took more of the food on offer than those in the tidy kitchen, to the point where twice as many of the cookies were eaten.

The study concluded that a chaotic environment encourage participants to be a bit chaotic as well and not hold back. The study has not been repeated yet with male participants.

We don’t recommend leaving knives lying around and have just the thing you need.

Read the full article here…


Watch out for knife wielding crabs

And finally… if you work in a seafood restaurant, you should perhaps regard this video as a bit of workplace health and safety advice. In a word, don’t let a live crab get hold of one of your knives…


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