Read on if you’re a serious hunter!
I’ve lost count of the amount of times I have been shown how to sharpen a knife the ‘proper’ way with a stone, but for some reason, I was never happy with the edge.
Around seven years ago, I came across the Nirey range of sharpeners from Total Knife Care, and since that time, I haven’t looked back. I purchased the KE3000 and watched the demo video and that was it.
Over the years, I have come to really depend on this machine for ALL my knives. Every single knife in our household has a razor sharp edge thanks to the KE3000. The best part is, once you get that edge by using the three grades of belt available, then it is very simple to keep the knives sharp by just going over them with the fine grade belt. For example, the knives in our kitchen are sharpened once a month, as that is all that is required to keep them in good shape.
My fishing knives are sharpened a little more regularly and the knives I use for hunting are re-sharpened after each outing.
The performance of this machine is outstanding and the best example would have to be with my hunting knives as these do really get a serious workout. I am based in Arnhemland, NT and regularly hunt buffalo with both a rifle and a compound bow. Every single buffalo that I hunt is used for meat, both for the local landowners and also for my family, so when I kill a buffalo, I take everything. I have a set of Dexter Russell knives as my hunting knives and I can completely butcher a buffalo with one single knife – that is how good the edge is when using the KE3000 machine. Either in the field, or at home, I never touch a knife up with a steel so the only thing that I use to keep the edge is the KE3000.
If, in the field, I have more than one buffalo to butcher, and my knife starts to lose its edge, I simply put it away and get out the next knife and keep going. Once I get back home, I simply run each knife back through the KE3000 and they are ready to go again.
Whether at home, out on the water, or out in the bush or the floodplains, my Nirey keeps my knives in great condition. The fact that most of my mates now bring their knives to me for sharpening goes to show just how good these machines are.
Anthony Gomes
Arnhemland, NT.