
The Grind

Are we there yet? (the future, that is)

Over the past few years we’ve written a lot about innovations in cooking and the kitchen, with all sorts of visions of what kitchens will look like in the future.

Do knives and pre-teen boys mix? Read on…

Buying a Christmas present for a pre-teen boy is not as straightforward as you might imagine.

Nirey Rave Review

Rave review for the Nirey Sharpener Range. Reviewer: Marcus O’Dean

Our predictions in 2014 – how accurate were they?

It’s that time of year again when journalists and pundits (and us, occasionally) share their predictions about what will be ‘hot’, and occasionally what will be ‘not’ for the forthcoming year.

What to get for Christmas? A knife and a book about knives of course!

2016 has whizzed by – if possible – even more rapidly than 2015 did and here we are again in the run into Christmas.

The science of food

Up until Heston Blumenthal came along, making good food was an art. Now it’s a science.

There’s an app for that

No matter what field you’re in, if you blink an eye you’ll miss a whole raft of new innovations, and many of those innovations are coming in the form of an app, or include an app component.

Things that annoy professional chefs

Where to start? Judging by the reputation of this particular group of people, this article could either be very long, or very short. The short version would be just one word – “Everything”.

All you need to know about honing steels and sharpening steels

At Total Knife Care, once you get past the shelves and shelves of Nirey electric knife sharpeners and the beautiful boxes containing all of the IO Shen knives…

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